Advanced single-channel data acquisition and
analysis software to be used with PCUS 10 and PCUS 11 Pulser/Receiver boards, running under
WindowsNT© (V.4, SP6a), Windows2000© (SP4) or WindowsXP©
(SP3). The "Virtual Channel" program feature allows data
acquisition (in series) using different settings of up to four PCUS 10 or PCUS 11 boards
in any combination. The program offers many
time-saving features such as toolbar commands, pull-down menus, user-defined desktop
settings, automatic distance-amplitude-correction (DAC) and time-gain-correction
etc. The storage capacity and data management capabilities of a personal computer
are combined with the intelligence of the PCUSware32 software.
All controls are accessed either from the keyboard or by using the
mouse. The software package includes set-up, calibration, data acquisition and
A-scan analysis features including a search unit data base. All instrument settings,
recorded A-scans, comments, etc. can be stored to the computer's hard disk. Storage
space is only limited by the size of the installed disk. In addition, data
compression routines allow for further compression (off-line) of saved data. Login
security features prevent unauthorized usage. Saved data can be printed to the
Windows© system printer using standard or user-defined report templates.
The PCUSware32 software was designed for manual
ultrasonic inspection in the field or in laboratory environments.