The component safety in chemical plants, petro-chemical plants, fossil and nuclear power
plants, aviation, etc. is indispensable. Flaws and material defects such as cracking, weld
flaws, corrosion and service- induced stresses are only a few examples leading to
component failure, often prior to their designed life span. State-of-the-art methods and
technologies are required, especially to protect public health, for economic inspection
and testing solutions.
technology, combined with Phased Array techniques (developed by
IZFP), uses horizontally polarized shear waves (SH-wave) to improve the inspectability of
stainless steel welds, dissimilar metal welds, buttered welds, cladding, etc. These, and
other components can now be completely inspected regardless of access considerations due
to the virtual transparency of the material to horizontally polarized shear
Our Systems
EMAT systems, including
Phased Array EMAT systems
are designed for a variety of applications, consisting of
two portable components, front end unit and base unit. Control functions, data acquisition
and data analysis are performed through the integrated PC. Standard and customized EMAT search units are designed and manufactured by IZFP.
- Electronic control of the sound beam angle and
Generation of horizontally polarized shear wave mode
Generation of vertically polarized shear wave mode
(standard shear wave) and Rayleigh wave mode
No acoustic coupling medium required
7 based data acquisition and analysis
Menu controlled setup of parameters such as beam
angles, frequency, burst length, amplification, etc.
Menu controlled inspection parameter setup for
area (and volume), display length and resolution, multiple
transducer configuration, etc.
Integrated data analysis including reporting and
hard copy; export of UT data to a variety of data formats
Management of
unlimited amounts of UT-data,
including pertinent parameters and unlimited number of A-Scans
Search unit database
EMAT system for
PC-controlled manual and/or automated ultrasonic testing using linear
and/or horizontal polarized shear
waves. |
EMAT-8, multi-channel system (Phased Array EMAT) for manual
and/or automated testing
using linear and/or horizontal polarized shear
EMAT-VG, multi-channel system (Phased Array EMAT) for manual
and/or automated testing using conventional ultrasonic
instruments. |
EMAT-1, single-channel system for manual
and/or automated testing
using linear and/or horizontal polarized shear